Historic Milestone Achieved: Launch of Sierra Leone Personnel Deployment Plan and Surge Mechanisms

Home > Historic Milestone Achieved: Launch of Sierra Leone Personnel Deployment Plan and Surge Mechanisms

Freetown, July 28th, 2023 – In a landmark event held at the EOC 2 Building, Wilkinson Road, Cockrill, Freetown, the Ministry of Health celebrated the launch of the Sierra Leone Personnel Deployment Plan and Mechanisms for Surge Deployment. The ceremony was presided over by the esteemed presence of the Permanent Secretary and Chief Medical Officer, who served as chairpersons for the occasion.
The objective of this momentous gathering was to commemorate a significant milestone achieved through collaborative efforts across various Ministries, departments, and agencies. The event showcased the Personnel Deployment Plan, a meticulously designed framework that outlines structured mechanisms for international, national, and sub-national deployment. This initiative addresses a critical need for a rapid and coordinated response to emergencies.
Director of the Directorate of Health Security and Emergencies (DHSE) provided a comprehensive presentation on the Personnel Deployment Plan, underscoring its crucial objectives and the vital role it plays in rectifying the surge capacity gaps witnessed during previous health crises. The plan, initiated in 2021, aims to establish well-trained and readily deployable health emergency teams at national and sub-national levels.
The framework for emergency response, aligned with international health regulations, was discussed, emphasizing prevention, detection, response, control, and protection. The Global Health Security Agenda, involving nearly 50 nations and international organizations, was highlighted as a pivotal platform for capacity-building.
Achievements of the plan include the validation of the surge personnel deployment plan, the development of a user-friendly web-based platform for tracking and identifying responders, and the formation of a multidisciplinary Surge Deployment Steering Committee. Crucial steps for the next phase were outlined, including training programs with a gender-sensitive approach, logistics strategies, and the establishment of an emergency response funding mechanism.
A presentation on the Surge Rostering Web Platform was made by the ICT Manager, providing insights into its functionalities and its pivotal role in ensuring quick and efficient mobilization of personnel during emergencies.
The ceremony saw the participation of esteemed representatives from various sectors, reaffirming their commitment to the success of the Sierra Leone Personnel Deployment Plan. Development partners, including US-CDC and WHO, expressed their pride in the milestone achieved and pledged continued support. The US Ambassador reiterated the enduring commitment of the US government to Sierra Leone’s healthcare initiatives.
The Personnel Deployment Surge Steering Committee, comprising senior officials from various ministries and agencies, was introduced. This high-level oversight committee is tasked with providing strategic guidance for personnel deployment during public health emergencies.
The Acting Minister of Health expressed gratitude to all attendees, emphasizing the government’s dedication to providing accessible and quality healthcare services to all Sierra Leoneans. He commended the development partners for their unwavering support.
In the keynote address, the Honorable Vice President highlighted the plan’s alignment with the nation’s strategic vision and its critical importance in enhancing preparedness and response capabilities. The plan represents a significant leap forward in safeguarding the health and well-being of the population.
Symbolically, the Honorable Vice President launched the Sierra Leone Personnel Deployment Plan, signifying a new era of preparedness and response to public health emergencies.
The event concluded with recognition of the resilience and dedication of healthcare personnel in times of emergency, emphasizing the importance of emergency funding for sustained plan implementation.
Overall, the ceremony was a testament to the collective dedication and collaborative efforts of all stakeholders in fortifying Sierra Leone’s capacity to respond to any public health emergency. It marked a historic step towards a safer, healthier, and more prosperous Sierra Leone.

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